Freyja Travel


Brand and website that showcases Freyja Travel's unique offerings.



Project Details

ath studio partnered with Freyja Travel to develop a comprehensive brand and website that showcases their unique offerings. Freyja Travel specializes in customizable tours for foreigners visiting Iceland, as well as ski and summer trips to Austria.

We started by crafting a brand identity that encapsulates the essence of Freyja Travel, highlighting their expertise in both Icelandic adventures and Austrian experiences. The logo and visual elements were designed to reflect the excitement and beauty of these destinations, creating a cohesive and appealing brand.

Next, we designed and developed a website that seamlessly presents both aspects of Freyja Travel’s business. The website features intuitive navigation and engaging visuals, making it easy for users to explore customizable tour options in Iceland and seasonal trips to Austria. Key functionalities include detailed tour descriptions, booking capabilities, and user-friendly interfaces that enhance the overall user experience.

The result is a vibrant and dynamic online presence that effectively communicates the diverse offerings of Freyja Travel. This new brand and website ensure that potential travelers can easily discover and book their ideal adventure, whether it's exploring the natural wonders of Iceland or enjoying the scenic beauty of Austria.

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